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Junto Vineyards Nebraska Wine

Junto Vineyards

Grape Varieties Grown @ Junto




Petite Pearl

St. Croix



Front. Blanc


Lincoln Nebraska Winery Wedding Venue

Our vineyard

Our first acre was planted in 2011, followed by 3 more acres in 2012, and 4 additional acres planted in 2016. We now grow about eight acres of nine different cold-hardy hybrid grape varieties. Developed to handle cold climates, these grapes are not only tough, they are capable of producing unique world-class wines.

Seasons in the Vineyard

Pruning & Bottling

Season: January - April

Beginning early in the year, every vine grown at Junto is hand-pruned. This needs to be done before bud-break (usually by late April). This is also typically the time we bottle our wines from last seasons harvest.

Lincoln Nebraska Winery Wedding Venue
Lincoln Nebraska Winery Wedding Venue

Maintenance & training

Season: May - July

After bud break we spend our time managing the growth of our vines. We apply nutrients, prevent diseases and pests, and train the vines as they grow; all for the sake of maximizing fruit quality. By the end of July we cover our vineyard in bird netting to keep the birds from eating our grapes as they ripen.


Season: August & September

Harvest begins in early August with our Edelweiss grapes. All grapes at Junto are harvested by hand. After harvest, the grapes are immediately crushed and the winemaking process begins. We harvest one or two varieties nearly every week from August through September (or early October). 

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Lincoln Nebraska Winery Wedding Venue

fermentations & aging

Season: October - Spring

After harvest our focus shifts from the vineyard to the winery. We spend the winter finishing fermentations, blending wines (if desired), clarifying the wine, and preparing the wine for bottling. Then in Spring we prune again, bottle the previous years harvest, and the circle of life continues!



Red wine grape variety

The Chambourcin grape is one of the oldest varieties still used in Nebraska red wines. The vines are a challenge to grow in our climate, but the grapes produce arguably some of the best Nebraska wines. 

Harvest Time:

Mid September​


Brix @ Harvest:

21 - 24


Typically found in Junto Wines:

Amity, Polly S

Lincoln Nebraska Winery Wedding Venue
Lincoln Nebraska Winery Wedding Venue
Lincoln Nebraska Winery Wedding Venue

WHITE varieties grown @ Junto 


White wine grape variety

Cayuga is capable of producing world class wine. It's not as cold-hardy as many of our other varieties and therefore they're not nearly as widely planted in Nebraska. However, we've been fortunate and Cayuga has consistently been one of our biggest producers. These grapes make excellent lighter white wines.

Harvest Time:

Mid to Late August​


Brix @ Harvest:

17 - 21


Typically found in Junto Wines:

Cayuga (straight variety), C-Note, Whitehall

Lincoln Nebraska Winery Wedding Venue
Lincoln Nebraska Winery Wedding Venue
Lincoln Nebraska Winery Wedding Venue
Lincoln Nebraska Winery Wedding Venue

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